Welcome to our resource page where you can find Sabbath School Lessons and Sermons to study along and serve good on this Sabbath day as we wait at home with the progression and measure to take with the COVID-19. As we mentioned in our official memo, please spend time with God and your family, reflect on his greatness.
Here are the links you can visit:
Sabbath School
Hope Sabbath School Lesson 11 “From Battle to Victory”

Walter Pearson – Standing Still In A Storm (Jesus Calms The Storm)

“The Devil’s Deadliest Deception” with Pastor Doug Batchelor (Amazing Facts)

Family and Friends Sabbath: Awesome Love Series

Seventh-day Adventist Resources
This page also provides links to many sources where you can locate or acquire information and research material related to the Seventh-day Adventist Church. Please note that the Association of Seventh-day Adventist Librarians do not necessarily support every group listed below. We provide this information as a service, not as a recommendation. Many hundreds more could be listed.
Historical Research Material
- Adventist Digital Library
The following are some links to research collections or tools specializing in Seventh-day Adventist related material.Andrews University Center for Adventist Research
Bibliographies by Gary Shearer [Pacific Union College]
Ellen G. White Estate
General Conference of SDA Archives
La Sierra University Heritage Room
Loma Linda University Department of Archives and Special Collections
Master List of SDA Manuscript Collections (Updated May 31, 2001) – PDF
Seventh-day Adventist Libraries [links to]
Seventh-day Adventist Periodical Index
Seventh-day Adventist Obituary Index
SDA Union List of Journal Titles [shows what periodicals are available at several SDA libraries]
Virtual SDA Library Union Catalog [allows user to search several SDA library catalogs with one search]
Unified Collection Development Policy
A Classification Scheme for Adventists and Ellen White
Full or Partial Text of Seventh-day Adventist Periodicals
- Adventist Review
Adventist Today
Bible Study Guides [various levels]
College and University Dialogue
Journal of Adventist Education
North American Union papers
Our Firm Foundation
Signs of the Times (USA)
General Church Information
- General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists
World Divisions
North American Division
Seventh-day Adventist Yearbook
Seventh-day Adventist statistics
[arranged by division; some go back to around 1900]
Local Church Location Help
Purchase Seventh-day Adventist Resources (new)
- Adventist Book Center online
- Advent Source
[many resources for use in churches] - General Conference Ministerial Association Resource Center
Purchase Seventh-day Adventist Resources (used)
Internet Resources
- Adventist Heritage Ministry
- Adventist Historical Resources on the web
[updated 2004] - Adventist Library
- CIRCLE: Curriculum and Instruction Resource Center Linking Educators
- Collecting and Preserving SDA Materials
- How To Set Up and Manage a Photograph Digitizing Program
- The Ministry Network
- PlusLine.org
- SDAnet