The Adventist Development and Relief Agency (ADRA), the faith-based international humanitarian arm of the Seventh-day Adventist Church, has created a one-of-a-kind humanitarian pin for pathfinders to add to their uniforms. This pin will be offered for a limited time only at the 2019 International Pathfinder Camporee at Oshkosh, Wisconsin from August 12 to 17.
The ADRA pin was designed in the shape of a star with three-pronged points symbolizing the mental, spiritual, and physical elements of a full education. The pin also consists of two parts: a smaller, top piece, and a larger, back piece. When connected, the smaller, top piece, with a flick of a finger, will swirl. The word “Chosen” is embossed on the smaller, top piece to match the camporee’s theme, along with ADRA’s education campaign, “Every Child. Everywhere. In School.”
“ADRA’s pin represents the problem that kids missing out on school is global—and so is the solution,” says Matthew Siliga, vice president of marketing and development at ADRA.
“No matter where a child lives, ADRA will work hand in hand with our Adventist educators, women’s, youth, and children’s ministries, and with UNICEF and international governments, to ensure every child, everywhere has the chance to go to school,” Siliga says.
Collecting badges has been a pathfinder favorite since the camporee’s start in 1985, and earning an ADRA pin will be a bonus for the more than 50,000 pathfinders attending.
How to Earn the Pin
- Pathfinders must be in attendance at the 2019 pathfinder camporee
- Look out for ADRA booths on the campus to sign up.
- Pathfinders who collect 20 signatures for ADRA’s education petition, will receive the smaller, top piece embossed with the word “Chosen” and ADRA’s education theme “Every Child. Everywhere. In School.”
- To earn the larger, back piece and complete the ADRA emblem with the spinner, pathfinders must collect 50 signatures for ADRA’s education campaign
- Pathfinders who collect 100 or more signatures will receive an exclusive gold edition ADRA pin
ADRA is currently launching a global campaign to show support for the 262 million children around the world who are currently out of school. Everyone is invited to show support by visiting ADRA.org/InSchool and signing up, and sharing the petition on social media.
The Adventist Development and Relief Agency is the humanitarian arm of the Seventh-day Adventist Church. Its work empowers communities and changes lives around the globe by providing sustainable community development and disaster relief. For more information, visit ADRA.org.